2022 Māori Touch AGM: Finney Davis elected new Chair

10 Aug

E ngā iwi o te motu nei, tēnā koutou katoa.

The Māori Touch NZ Hui ā-tau was held Sun 7 August in Rotorua. This hui was an opportunity to review, revise and plan ahead as we continue to grow the kaupapa of Māori Touch NZ. Following the stepping down of Chair Terama Winterburn, Finney Davis was elected as the new Chair for Māori Touch NZ.

Our leadership team consists of: Finney Davis (Chair), Harley Wall (Secretary-Treasurer) & Trustees Kelly Panapa, Terama Winterburn, Pat Spellman, Sue Panapa, Manu Soloman & Tui Olliver. We are also excited to continue working with Rotorua Touch Association (RTA) as delivery partners for Māori Touch Nationals. Berkie Kapa was re-elected our Referees Director, with Trustee Pat Spellman stepping into the role of Tournament Director. Sue Panapa will continue to support these efforts as National Coordinator.

The priority for Māori Touch NZ over the next 12 months includes finalising our strategic plan - which will give context and direction to our aspirations to provide pathways & prosperity for our people, through touch.

Me mahitahi tātou hei ora tonu te kaupapa.