2023 Bunnings Māori Touch Nationals Grade Winners & Taonga Recipients

5 Dec

See below details of grade winners and Taonga recipents from the 2023 Bunnings Māori Touch Nationals. 

For full results and standings please click here


Referee of The Tournament: Poko Mani

Youth Referee of the Tournament: Bob Korau


Taitamatāne (U17 Boys) Champions: Maniapoto

Taitamāhine (U17 Girls) Champions: Tainui 

21 Hanumi (21 Mixed) Champions: Tauranga Moana

Rangatahi Player of the Tournament: Maxwell Kara (Maniapoto)

Taonga donated by George Rogers Whanau & Waitakere Maori Touch. 


Pakeke Hanumi (Senior Mixed) Champion: Te Raki Paewhenua 

30 Tāne (30 Mens) Champion: Tamatoa Kirikiriroa 

40 Tāne (40 Mens) Champion: Tāmaki Makaurau


Wāhine (Open Womens) Champions: Tainui

Hanumi (Open Mixed) Champions: Weraroa

Tāne (Open Mens) Champions: Ngāti Hine

Female Player of the Tournament: Hylan Potts (Waikato Tainui)

Taonga donated by the Stone Whanau 

Male Player of the Tournament: Sean Law (Ngāti Hine)  

Taonga donated by the Ngawati Whanau 

Overall Taonga: Maniapoto

The iwi/rohe that demonstrates outstanding contribution to the Māori Touch kaupapa.